September 5, 2019
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Bienvenue! Welcome back to another year of learning opportunities. Classes begin at 8:53 and end at 3:37 with a lunch break between 11:45 and 12:45.
You will receive forms that will require your attention. Please complete required information and return paperwork to your child’s teacher. An updated Student and Parent Guide will be posted on our website on or before September 10th; please review it carefully. If you would like to receive a paper copy, please send a note to your child’s teacher. Although you are receiving a paper copy of this newsletter, please note that most events will be communicated to you via our website or your child’s classroom teacher during the course of the year.
We require your assistance in keeping our students safe. Products containing nuts should not be sent to school in order to protect our students with potentially life-threatening allergies. Our school is also scent free. Scented sprays, deodorants, perfumes, lotions, etc. should not be used or brought to school as these products may cause harm to students and staff who suffer from asthma and allergies.
When you drop off or pick up your children, please stop in a safe spot where stopping/parking is allowed. A short walk will not harm your child. Please do not enter the staff parking lot and avoid the bus bay. LP3 will be transporting our students this year and they will be arriving and leaving from the North and South. As school zone safety is of the utmost importance to all students, staff and community members, please arrange to drop off and pick up your children at a safe location. A reminder that school zone speed is now 30 km/h and u-turns are illegal. Please see the parking and safety map prepared by our School Resource Officer for more information by clicking HERE.
Arrange a safe spot outside the school where your child can meet you upon dismissal. Fewer people in our hallways at the end of the day will reduce interruptions with the intent to guard our instructional time on task and build your child’s independence. Our hallways will be busy with second bus run students and Park Play Before and After School students heading to their assigned areas.
If cellular phones or other personal devices (including Bluetooth) are brought to school, they are to be turned in to the teacher in order to be locked away during the school day to avoid confiscation. Students will be provided with school board approved technology and access to the school phone as required. Please see the Student and Parent Guide for further information.
Nutrition and Milk Programs
The nutrition program provides breakfast, snacks and lunch to children in need on an emergency basis. It also provides support to teachers and students through food-based learning, PAA (practical and applied arts) and events such as the SCC Year-End Barbecue and play days.
The milk program will continue as in previous years. Students can purchase milk at lunch time for 80 cents each. An $8.00 punch card for ten small cartons of milk can be purchased to be used over time.
Envole-toi! Soar like an eagle!
Character education shapes good citizens. We will continue to embrace a core value every month with the goal of preparing our students for success in the classroom and beyond. We strive to guide and support our students to become thoughtful individuals that will actively help create a community of belonging, independence, mastery, and generosity. The following focused values will continue to be highlighted and celebrated: Respect & Fairness, Responsibility & Self-Control, Honesty & Trustworthiness, Generosity, Kindness & Compassion, Empathy, Tolerance, Acceptance & Patience, Courage & Perseverance, and Integrity.
Learning buddies will focus on these values weekly and we will be looking for students who are consistently demonstrating these monthly values. Celebration assemblies will highlight learning.
We are challenging all students to embrace these values in order to SOAR like an Elsie Mironuck Eagle:
S = Strength to persevere and take risks
O = Opportunity to offer kindness by demonstrating empathy and tolerance
A = Academic achievement to accept to learn and succeed
R = Respect through responsibility, leadership, self-control, and fairness
School fees will be collected on a per event basis. We prefer that payments be made via our School Cash Online System which will be ready to use next week. Please note that the School Community Council (SCC) will continue to levy payments by cash or cheques for their activities.
All parents of our students are members of the SCC and are invited to attend all or any of the meetings. Please see below for the first SCC meeting dates of the year.
A few dates to remember (they will be listed on our website’s Google calendar):
September 11th – School Community Council meeting at 6:30pm in the Resource Centre
October 9th – School Community Council Annual General Meeting at 6:30pm
October 15th – School photos for Kindergarten B and Grades 1 to 8
October 16th – School photos for Kindergarten A
November 5th am – Photos retakes for Kindergarten to Grade 8
November 14th – Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences (Kindergarten B only)*
November 15th – Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences (Prekindergarten, Kindergarten A and Grades 1 to 8)*
January 31st – Progress report goes home
March 12th – Celebration of Learning and Conferences (Kindergarten B)*
March 13th – Celebration of Learning and Conferences (Prekindergarten, Kindergarten A and Grades 1 to 8)*
April 8th – Grade 8 Farewell photos
June 25th – Final Progress Report goes home (Kindergarten to Grade 8)
*Students are expected to attend conferences with their parents, but please note that they don’t have classes as teachers are meeting with families throughout the day.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions, compliments or concerns. We will respond as quickly as possible.
On behalf of École Elsie Mironuck Community School Staff…
Simone Verville Shawna Stangel
Directrice/Principal Vice Principal/Directrice adjointe
N.B.: Simone Verville will be retiring at the end of December. Erin Betson will be the Principal effective January 6th, 2020.