École Elsie Mironuck Community School would like to invite you to a Parent, Family & Community Engagement Night on November 22nd which will begin with supper at 5:30 pm. Community never stays the same; it is constantly changing and evolving. This will be an opportunity for you and your family to come out for supper, engage with the school community and be able to ask questions to our community partners to gain more information. Even if connection to community is something you are not interested in, we encourage you to come for supper and connect with the school community. There will be an opportunity for kids to engage in programming and for parents to meet with each other.
We are hoping to serve supper by 5:30 pm. At 6:30 pm you will have the opportunity to walk throughout the school and engage with community agencies. This event will be set up in a “Tradeshow Style” and each agency will have handouts, referral forms or pamphlets that you can take. If you have questions, they will be able to answer those as well. We plan to have programming for children in the evening so parents can visit or engage with our community partners, school staff, and each other. We are hoping to have the evening wrapped up by 8:30 pm.
In preparation for this evening, it is important that we are able to provide enough food for everyone. If you plan on attending, please send this letter back with your child circling that you will be able to attend on November 22nd. If this is something that you would like to attend but need transportation, please let us know, and we will do our best to arrange transportation.
Invitation were sent home with all students. If you are planning on attending, please RSVP by November 16th. Click HERE to view the RSVP invitation.