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Absences Add Up!

Did you know?

1. Being on time for school sets your child up for a great day of learning.

2. Even in Kindergarten, absences can cause children to fall behind in their learning.

3. Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) can make it difficult to learn to read – a critical future skill.

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registrations for the 2018-2019 school year are now being accepted for both French Immersion and English programming.  

Children who will be five years old on or before December 31, 2018 are eligible to register.  If you have children, or know of friends or neighbours who live in the École Elsie Mironuck Community School area that have children who are ready for Kindergarten, we would love to have them join us.

For more information, please contact the school office at (306) 791-8486.