Welcome Back to School!
We hope that you have had an amazing summer! The École Elsie Mironuck Community School Staff is looking forward to welcoming students back into our building. This will no doubt be an interesting school start-up for us all!
As information is shared with us we want to ensure that our school community also receives information to assist in planning and preparing for your child’s return to school. We would encourage you to check the RBE website, our school website and Twitter for the most current information as things are being updated frequently.
Here are some of the highlights that will support your planning:
1. New School Day Schedule: The school day has been changed in order to limit the number of transitions throughout the school day. Our new school hours are:
- 8:53-9:08 – Morning Recess
- 9:08-11:45 – Learning Time
- 11:45-12:45 – Lunch and 1 Recess (these will be staggered as well)
- 12:45-3:22 – Learning Time
- 3:22 – 3:37 – Afternoon Recess
We ask that students not coming by bus, come as close to 9:05 am as possible to avoid overcrowding on the playground. The same applies at 3:22 pm. Students’ who have their parents` written permission (a letter will be sent home for signature) will be free to make their way home rather than stay for recess at the end of the day. We encourage families to have their children walk to school to limit congestion of vehicles as well as people around the school property.
We also encourage as many students as possible go home for lunch.
Students transported by bus have received their pick up and drop off times from the RCSD Transportation department. Masks will be mandatory for all students riding the bus. Any inquiries regarding transportation services can be directed to: transportation@rcsd.ca or 306-791-7214
2. Staggered Start First Days of School: The school start up will be staggered. This means that not all students will start and attend school at the same time during the first week back. Our schedule is as follows:
- Students with the last name beginning A-K will come on September 8th AND 10th
- Students with the last name beginning L-Z will come on September 9th AND 11th
- Kindergarten students will NOT follow the days as listed above. Kindergarten families will receive communication in the coming weeks regarding the start date for their child. Kindergarten classes will be split into smaller numbers for their staggered start.
- The regular Kindergarten and Grade 1-8 schedules will resume on Monday September 14th, 2020.
- The first day for Pre-Kindergarten will be on September 14th. Pre-Kindergarten parents will receive further information in the coming weeks regarding what this day will look like.
On the first days of school, all staff members will be on the playground and around the school property to help and support students in determining who their teacher is and where their classroom meeting spot will be. As per COVID guidelines, parents/guardians are asked to not enter the playground.
3. Masks: Masks must be worn by all staff and visitors. Masks must be worn by all students. Please teach your child about appropriate and safe mask wearing and cleaning. Please note that scarfs, bandanas, or buffs do not meet mask requirements and will not be allowed.
4. Water Bottles: Please ensure that your child comes to school every day with a pre-filled, re-usable water bottle. Please teach your child about appropriate water bottle usage and cleaning.
5. Hygiene: Hand sanitizer will be accessible at school. Frequent handwashing is encouraged and frequent reminders will take place during the day. Daily disinfecting will occur in all school spaces.
6. Physical Distancing Guidelines and Signage is in place: These will be shown and taught to students on the first staggered days of school and reviewed as days progress.
7. Specified Entrances/Exits, Staggered Transitions, and Designated Line Up Areas: These will be shown and taught to students on the first staggered days of school and reviewed as days progress.
8. Limited Access To Schools and School Property: Entry to the school is currently restricted to staff and students ONLY. Please phone the main office to request permission to access the school. For the safety of staff and students, we are also currently restricting the number of people on our school property as per COVID guidelines.
9. Student Drop Off/Pick Up Expectations: Please encourage your child to walk from your home or from your designated drop off spot anywhere on Coldwell Drive or Stewart Ave. Wakefield Crescent is reserved for residents and School Buses only. If you are picking your child up from the school during the school day, please park on Coldwell or Stewart, walk to the front sidewalk of the school, phone the school office to request your child be released from school and wait there for your child. Please remember that sidewalks are the safest places for students to be. The bus bay and staff parking lot are restricted areas for school board personnel vehicles only.
10. Prepare Your Child for the Entire School Day: Since visitors and drop-offs are not permitted at this time, it is important that you child comes to school with what is necessary for the day.
- Full Lunch and Snacks
- A pre-filled, re-usable water bottle
- Homework or classwork
11. Remote Distance Learning: If you are interested in remote learning options for your child please visit https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/eschool_learning for more information or direct any questions or inquires to eschool@rbe.sk.ca
There will be more information to come in the next few weeks. Please continue to visit our website and watch for daily information sent home from your child’s teacher in those first weeks of school. There will be papers to fill out and return in a timely fashion.We hope this gives you a good start on your family planning for the fall. As always our school team is committed to the very best learning and educational experiences for your child.
We are the Eagles and we will continue to SOAR to new heights, together!
This plan will be updated as required by emerging health risk assessments.