Celebration of Learning & Conference Day

We look forward to welcoming all families and students into our school on Friday March 15th, 2019 for our Celebration of Learning and Conference Day!   Information regarding this important day will be sent home via your child's teacher during the week of March 4-8, 2019.  This will be for all students in KIndergarten "B" and Grades 1-8. This is a important time for students to highlight some of the learning they have been a part of throughout the school year, as well as a time for parents and teachers to touch base regarding each students academic, personal, and social growth.

KOBO Town Performs for our Students

Thanks to CBC Saskatchewan and Juno winning Calypso recording artists KOTO TOWN for the fantastic performance and educational show at our school.  The students and staff were treated to an upbeat and very entertaining concert that involved our students as the group led kids in song, more drumming, and a march finale.  Our Grade 4 students also joined in by accompanying KOBO TOWN by playing the hand drums and the steel pan drums to the song  Limbo Rock. 

Happy Birthday Miss Mironuck

Our Grade 4 classroom along with Mme Haynes paid a very special visit to Miss Elsie Mironuck today.  We wanted to make sure that she knew how much she was loved as we helped to celebrate her 95th birthday!

Miss Mironuck was honoured by our surprise visit this afternoon and her family and friends appreciated the performance that our Grade 4 students had been practicing for this event.  They played their recorders, they sang Royal Wood's Brother Song, and then they waltzed with Elsie and her friends.