
Introducing Edsby

May 4, 2021 -- Regina Public Schools is excited to introduce Edsby to all staff, students and parents/guardians. Edsby is a comprehensive digital learning platform that will replace the PowerSchool Parent Portal this summer. Parents/guardians will be able to use Edsby to keep up with what’s happening with their children at school and to remain active in the education of their children.

Balfour Arts Collective Masterclasses

APRIL 6, 2021 -- Throughout the year, Balfour Arts Collective (BAC) will be collaborating with local artists to offer virtual ArtsCool! masterclasses. The classes feature local artists sharing their skills with BAC students and our community. These lessons are designed for all levels of artists. Take a look below and try it out. Most importantly, have fun! Be sure to tag us on Instagram and share your results!

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

MARCH 15, 2021 -- March 21st is designated by the United Nations (UN) as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to focus on respect, equality and diversity.

It’s a day observed all around the world to focus attention on the problems of racism and the need to promote racial harmony. The UN made this designation in 1966 to mark a tragic event that took place on March 21, 1960 in Sharpeville, South Africa when 69 peaceful demonstrators were killed during a protest against apartheid.

WorkSafe Youth Video Contest

MARCH 10, 2021 -- WorkSafe Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) invite students in Grades 9 to 12 to create a two-minute video about workplace health and safety. The theme "Focus on safety" must be used. Prizes range from $500 to $1,500.

The contest closes on Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.

For details, please CLICK HERE.